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You need support?

To take the next step on your personal journey? Once you recognise it is time to face and deal with the repeating patterns and conflicts in your life, most of us need support in doing so. You have to find someone you can trust enough to accompany you, someone who can safely hold your feelings, help you listen to the messages from your body and support you setting direction towards your goals. You need a guide who is not afraid of challenging you and who can contain your pain and your biggest dreams. To safeguard the wholeness of you while you explore inner fragments, and gain new understandings of your blindspots, secrets and struggles.

What I offer

Based on Process Oriented Psychology and Council Guide Training I offer a somatic (body awareness based) and holistic guidance to deepen your self-understanding, self-balance and to strengthen your stand in both personal and professional areas.  

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What is Process Work?

Process Work is a coaching and therapeutic approach rooted in the psychoanalytical school of Jung. Processwork has also been shaped by many indigenous cultures’ wisdom.  Most notably the Indigenous Australian knowledge of Dreamtime and the Chinese philosophy and practices of Taoism are fundamental to seeing the world through a Processwork lens.


Processwork understands human experience as a dreaming process which unfolds through sensory channels. In a coaching, the aim is to follow the moment to moment process of the client, and to notice when giving awareness to those channels (the non intellectual ones), can help to integrate unknown resources or unresolved emotional conflicts. 


 In this way Process Work helps us to notice signals from the body and/or signs around us, that leads us to uncover dreams, resources or conflicts that we push into the background of everyday life. 

I love to work Process Oriented because it is a non-judgemental, creative, playful, in-depth and very often surprising art of discovering oneself.


Personal Profile

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I am openminded, ambitious creative and sensitive. I grew up with a set of values including living with compassion, being humble, challenging the status quo, achieving the goals I set for myself and learning as much as possible each day.  


I speak fluently englisch, german and danish. I lived in 4 different countries, and I worked with a big amount of complexity within the projects, the contexts and the cultures I have been part of. I have learned to navigate through difficulties and uncertainties, which has made me able to stay aware of meaningful and healthy synergies within systems and groups. I am an educated yoga teacher and ski teacher.     

What is Council Guide Training?

Council Guide Training is based on knowledge that is thousands of years old, called the Delicate Lodge Teachings. These teachings has been passed down by elders from indigenous Mayan Indians, and have been taught to me by White Eagle Woman, the current Elder of the tradition.

This ancient wisdom contains many medicine wheels and carries a deep understanding of how humans and human tribes stay healthy, balanced and connected to nature.


As a Council Guide I work with some of the wheels of the Delegate Lodge Teachings. Examples:


  • Wheel of balance and Self-relationship.  

  • Ring of Power - to harness our emotions and to choose more consciously how to respond to a difficult situation.  

  • Four Attentions - for heightening focus and awareness of your thoughts.  

  • Four Elements and four Human Elementals. 



Keren Jackson

Working with Sidsel has been a transformative process. Having gone through years of talk therapy, I can’t believe all the time and money wasted! While talk therapy has its place, process work facilitated a space that allowed me to re-find parts of myself I’d long lost and forgotten; and integrate them into who I am today. Whether you’re on the verge of a breakdown, or curiously looking to explore yourself, I couldn’t recommend doing process work with Sidsel more. 


Martina Schlumpf

Sidsel hat die Gabe, sich schnell und präzise in die Situation des Gegenübers einzufühlen. Sie stellt Fragen, die es mir ermöglichen, an die Essenz meiner Themen zu gelangen. Ich liebe es, mit Sidsel zu arbeiten..  

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Working with me 

It is normal to first have a short call, in order to ask questions and for both of us to feel sure about working together.


The sessions are 60 min and I recommend a set of 6-8 sessions to work on a specific topic, in order for a thorough and deep process to happen. 


The last sessions we use to harvest consciously the learnings of the whole process. And if you are interested I will also share the process notes that I have made over the course of the sessions, so you have something to take with you. 


I work in Englisch, German and Danish 


Prices range from 60 chf- 150 chf based on your income and life situation.  

The root to most of our inner problems and conflicts sits in our body and in our unconscious mind. Therefore speaking about your problems and trying to understand more about them intellectually, is not primarily what i aim for in my work. In my experience the more profound insights and changes happens when the talking is also accompanied by the more somatic and holistic awareness work and tools. Examples of those could be: 

  • Uninterrupted writing 

  • Breathing

  • Meditation

  • Spontaneous movements

  • Dancing 

  • Constellations with figures 

  • Drawing

  • Visualisations

  • Sound

Get in Touch

+41 78 862 93 76

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